Tips on Launching Your Startup in 2014

Hello 2014! This will be a great year! Yes, that’s right, a great one in fact, and you better believe it.
After rough times, this year is finally coming at us with a positive economy on the rise, people are spending more money and investors are looking out for the new entrepreneurs. This also means it’s a great time to get that start-up you’ve always wanted up and running, so we have put together some tips that will help you along the way.
Crowd sourcing for a Startup
These days, lack of capital is no longer an excuse for why you have not started your business. Platforms such as,, and make connecting with investors a breeze. Let’s take a look into each website and see what it is they offer.
- Symbid – Is an international crowd sourcing option with an easy to use interface. It allows you to register your idea and attract investors and others who wish to join in during the start-up phase.
- Funders Club -This advanced platform has a collection of accredited investors with whom all own substantial portfolios. Funders Club allows investors to start lending at $2,500 and up.
- Fund My Pitch – Allows your start-up to reach certified investors and mentors. One of the key elements with Fund My Pitch is its pitch building assistance, a very exciting feature for new entrepreneurs.
The ACA Summit
Mark your calendars; the 2014 Angel Capital Association is holding their
annual summit March 26th – March 28th. You will not want to miss this
event if you are serious about launching your start-up. The ACA Summit is a
place where entrepreneurs come together and network with accredited
investors, in person. You will not only establish connections, you will
receive an infinite number of resources for starting your business with or
without capital investments.
Entrepreneurs from around the world travel to America to attend this event.
You do not understand how valuable and empowering it is to meet with
former entrepreneurs who now invest in start-ups. The key to successful
networking at the summit lies in having a solid business plan in place with a
business card and a firm handshake attached.
Everyone gets their big break; be ready when opportunity knocks. GOOD LUCK!